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Our Trust of Schools

Our Mission and Values


We are incredibly proud of all our students. They work hard to attain excellent grades, as well as contributing to the wider West Exe community throughout their time here.   

Julie Fossey - Head Teacher 

We also stand by our values of: 


We are a supportive, positive and committed community that enables all to flourish and achieve their best. We believe that students achieve excellent outcomes as a result of five years at a school where they are happy and engaged at all times; where they are challenged from day one and are consistently supported to be the best they can be.


We are a School with very high expectations of and for our students; only their best is good enough. The West Exe Offer provides students with opportunities to shine, through excellent teaching and innovative practice, a vibrant and rich extra-curricular provision and a curriculum that challenges and inspires from the start of year 7 and is increasingly personalised as students move up through the School.


We are really proud our students attain good outcomes which enable them to move on to the next steps of their education. Students this year successfully moved on to Exeter College, Exeter Maths School, Exeter College (including the Reach Academy) and a variety of high quality apprenticeships. We believe in ensuring students achieve a good range of qualifications but also develop the attiributes needed to move on successfully to a destination of their choice.

Students at West Exe consistently achieve above the national average. We are incredibly proud of all our students for their dedication not only to their qualifications but also to developing the West Exe attributes of being kind, adaptable, resilient, curious, ambitious and proud 

Our community at West Exe School believes in Courage, Compassion and Citizenship. 

 Courage – We are brave in our actions and ambitious in our dreams. 

Compassion -Through kindness and empathy, we care for ourselves and others.

 Citizenship  - Through respect, responsibility and integrity we make the world a better place. 


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