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Our Trust of Schools

Attendance and Absences

The reason why attendance is so important to us at West Exe School is because it has a huge impact on learning. We know that good attendance really makes a positive difference.

We understand that sometimes students need necessary time away from their education but we do not want any student to fall behind or struggle because of this.

Reporting your child as absent on a daily basis:

email: [email protected]

MCAS: My Child at School app (MCAS).

Phone: 01392 660100 

Morning registration closes at 8.50am 

Clearly state your child’s full name, year group and the reason for being off School.

Whether your child has an illness or medical condition which means they need to miss days off School or whether family incidents have occurred, we are here to support you and your child so that the impact on learning is minimised.

If, however, you feel that your child is trying to avoid School for any reason, do not hesitate to get in touch with us immediately, so we can make any personalised arrangements in School and support you with this. We want all our students to enjoy School and want them to be here every day that is possible. So, if there are any barriers to them succeeding, we want to work with you to remove these.

For the majority of our students, we expect attendance to be above 97% but understand that sometimes they are simply too unwell to come to School. The expectation is that parents contact the School for each day that they are off, and medical evidence is provided if they have more than 5 days off in a row. Typically, if a student has 8-10 days off School within an academic year, we would expect that a medical professional will have been consulted and the reasons for illness looked into and information provided.

Reporting your child as absent on a daily basis: Please email the School at [email protected]. You may also contact the School to inform us of an absence via your My Child at School app (MCAS). Alternatively, you can call 01392 660100. If you leave a voicemail please state clearly your child’s full name, year group and the reason for being off School.

Reporting your child for future absence: If your child has a medical appointment or other special circumstances then please call 01392 660100 or email [email protected]. If you would like to request time off in exceptional circumstances for an organised activity or holiday then please complete an absence request form. (Click here

‘Under the Weather form’

We encourage parents and carers to complete this form if your child is not feeling at their best but they are willing to give School a good go.

We feel that having this additional information will support families and our Student Services team in being able to assist your child. Our hope is that it would speed up the communication process with home as we would already be aware of the current situation and which action you would like us to take.

Under the weather form

We greatly appreciate your cooperation with our attendance policies and look forward to working with you and your child.