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Our Trust of Schools


As part of considering applying for a place at West Exe School we would recommend and encourage the following which we hope will help you make an informed decision and ensure that your child/children have a successful and enjoyable start to their school life with us:

  • That you read our Partnership Agreement so that you understand the value that we place on the home-school relationship and the benefit we believe it has on a child’s education
  • That you and your child/ren come and visit and have a look around as this will help you and them get a true sense of what West Exe School is like on a day to day basis, in real life, real time.

To view our Local Authority (Devon County Council) admissions procedure, please click here 


Other factors to consider when moving into area or within local schools are:

  • How this admission might affect attendance
  • Any support currently provided for SEND or medical conditions
  • Any pastoral support currently in place
  • Any concerns that have been raised in recent school reports
  • Your child’s current curriculum and/or GCSE options as educational continuity should be a key priority when considering which school to send your children.

We would be more than happy to discuss any of the above with you on your visit to West Exe School to assist you in deciding whether a move would be beneficial and if West Exe School is the right school for your child. 

An in-year admission can be unsettling and potentially disruptive for a child with research showing it can set their progress back by up to a term, so it is essential that all of the above are considered fully and discussed openly.